Why? Where? How? and when did it all happen? “The Journey to ‘No Substitute’” is a series of blogs/videos/ and general information that tells the story of this incredible, and often difficult, journey and complete miracle that began in the summer of 1991, and late Spring of 1993. Who would have thought that over 25 years later, this record project would be completed for all the world to hear and enjoy. Yet, it happened and it was a complete surprise, even to us who not so much gave up on the idea of putting this out, but just plain old forgot about it and moved on. In the end, by the grace of God, it was all meant to be, and “No substitute” gives further proof and evidence to the claim: “that with God, all things are possible.”
A Voice lost, A Voice Found
The response to the Altar Boys release of "No Substitute" has been absolutely overwhelming and amazing - way beyond anything we could ever have imagined. Many are asking: what is the story behind finishing this project? Why after all of these years are you releasing “No Substitute” now? What led the band to want to finish these series of recordings in the first place? How did it all of this come into fruition? What is going on here?
First, it is important to note that “No Substitute” was started back in 1991 and 1993 (that is 27 and 25 years ago respectively). ALL of the songs, lead vocals, some the background vocals and many of the guitars were completed back in the day. This record truly is a time capsule, a project left in the vaults, just waiting to be rediscovered. - the miracle of finishing "No Substitute" is just that - and we are just as suprised by it as many of you - the journey to finishing this record is explained in this brief 6 minute video.
This short video details all the steps that lead up to the rediscovery of the “No substitute” multi track tape recordings. It also documents all of the effort and process that lead us up to finishing this record. The journey to No Substitute begins with “A voice Lost,” and how this challenge eventually lead to “A Voice Found.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnIfc8Yt6g4&t=207s
Documented from the beginning - by Mike Stand
From day 1, I kept a log/diary of almost every step in the process of finishing the “No Substitute” record. The first page in the diary, for some odd reason, is dated Oct. 11? But the actual journey begins on page 2: Sept 26, 2017 and continues off and on until the day we finished mixing on May 14, 2017. Although the dates entered into the diary are Sept 26, and 27 they were actually entered a few days later after we completed the 1st digital transfer. When we did that first transfer something told me I had to keep track of this journey. I have the worst handwriting in the world, so I will save you all the pain of trying to decipher my hieroglyphics, and simply type out everything exactly as written in the diary.
Sept 26
Day after my surgery. What to do? How about we check out my Tascam 4 track that I almost sold. It has been sitting in the box untouched for a long time. Carefully remove it from the carton and it is a no-go. Machine does not work – so I go on YouTube to search for answers. I discover a broken plastic piece and a wire clip/spring – I begin repair using super glue and pliers to re-bend spring
Sept 27
4 or 5 hours later I put machine back together. Still a no go – the cassette take up side does not move. I begin careful poking and prodding. I discover that I need to bend spring/wire more – and 8 hours later we have contact. I carefully play a “test” cassette and it is success. 4 track of no substitute goes in and we have discovered a time capsule –
No Substitute
Log/diary book - started from day 1 of the journey in 2017
Day 1, Sept. 26, 2017
Day 2,
Sept 27, 2017